Аленький цветочек (The scarlet flower)
by Sergej Aksakov
Yasen and Book, Russia - 2024
大暴龍來了! (Gigantor)
By Davide Calì
Grimm Press, Taiwan - 2024
夢想的速度 (The speed of dreams)
By K. T. Hao
Grimm Press, Taiwan - 2024
Tea with an old giant
By Jane Yolen
Reycraft Books, USA - 2023
What to do with a stick
By Jane Yolen
Creative Editions, USA - 2023
En me promenant avec Kiki
By Davide Calì
Cambourakis, France - 2022
L'albero, la nuvola e la bambina
By Chiara Valentina Segré
Camelozampa, Italy - 2021
Il Canto degli italiani
By Goffredo Mameli, Giusi Parisi
Edizioni EL, Italy - 2021
Fuori Freddo
By Luigi Ballerini
Il Castoro, Italy - 2021
Tre piccoli vagabondi
By Carolina D'Angelo
Pane e Sale Editore, Italy - 2021
Серебряное копытце (Silver Hoof)
By Pavel Bazhov
Yasen and Book, Russia - 2020
الطائرة الورقية (The Kite)
By Norhan Noor
Darashjar, United Arab Emirates - 2019
Afternoon on a hill
By Edna St. Vincent Millay
Creative Editions, USA - 2019
Lola Shapes the sky
By Wendy Greenley
Creative Editions, USA - 2019
米食樂 (Rice makes you happy)
by K. T. Hao
Grimm Press, Taiwan - 2018
餃子 (Chinese dumplings)
By K. T. Hao
Grimm Press, Taiwan - 2017
Tam, Tim y Tom
By Roberto Mezquita
OQO Editora, Spain - 2017
Colors of Nature
by Kate Riggs
Creative Editions, USA - 2017
Nino e Nina tutto l'anno
by Bruno Tognolini
Fatatrac, Italy - 2017
La pelle del Coccodrillo
by José Carlos Román
La Fragatina, Spain - 2016
In the zoo
Unspecified author
Agaworld, South Korea - 2016
Amali e l'albero
by Chiara Lorenzoni
Giralangolo, Italy - 2016
Did your beard miss me?
by K. T. Hao
Grimm Press, Taiwan - 2016
Taste the clouds
by Rita Marshall
Creative Editions, USA - 2016
Oscar il gatto custode
by Chiara Valentina Segré
Camelozampa, Italy - 2015
by Wu Ming
Mondadori Electa, Italy - 2015
A Incrível história do Ursinho Sorveteiro
By Fabio Meneghini
Melhoramentos Editora, Brasil - 2014
Il trattore della nonna
by Anselmo Roveda
Giralangolo, Italy - 2014
Conte incantate
by Sabrina Giarratana
Fatatrac, Italy - 2013
by Miguel Salas
OQO Editora, Spain - 2013
Lola e io
by Chiara Valentina Segré
Camelozampa, Italy - 2012
Leo otto volte eroe
by Sara Sahinkanat
Sinnos, Italy - 2012
Un amico nella Rocca
by Andrea Marcheselli
Fondazione di Vignola, Italy - 2012
Under the sea
Unspecified author
Agaworld, South Korea - 2013
What is there in the wood
Unspecified author
Agaworld, South Korea - 2012
In the blue sky
Unspecified author
Agaworld, South Korea - 2012
Il Mare
by Emanuela Bussolati
Franco Cosimo Panini, Italy - 2012
Le foreste
by Emanuela Bussolati
Franco Cosimo Panini, Italy - 2011
Ali Baba and the forty thieves
Folk tale
Agaworld, South Korea - 2011
L'isola di Cicero
by Antonio Ferrara
Coccole e caccole, Italy - 2010
Il giro del mondo in 80 giorni (map)
by Jules Verne
Giralangolo, Italy - 2010
Robin Hood
by Alexandre Dumas
Arnoldo Mondadori Editore, Italy - 2009
Storie dei cieli del mondo
by Lara Albanese, Francesca Brunetti, Antonella Gasperini
Sinnos, Italy - 2009
Giacomino e il fagiolo magico
by joseph Jacobs
Arnoldo Mondadori Editore, Italy - 2008
Il gatto con gli stivali
by Charles Perrault
Arnoldo Mondadori Editore, Italy - 2008
E la rana come fa? Kero kero cruà cruà
by Anselmo Roveda
Sinnos, Italy - 2007
La Bella Addormentata nel bosco
by Charles Perrault
La Coccinella, Italy - 2008
Trucchi per non mangiare
by Roberto Piumini
De Agostini Editore, Italy - 2008
L'orso e le stelle
by Roberto Piumini
De Agostini Editore, Italy - 2008
I baffi di Mustà
by Roberto Piumini
De Agostini Editore, Italy - 2007
La lumaca e il vermottolo
by Roberto Piumini
De Agostini Editore, Italy - 2007
Alla corte di Uguccione
by Paolo Domeniconi
Fondazione di Vignola, Italy - 2006
Amos Daragon - Il crepuscolo degli dèi
by Brian Perro
Fanucci Editore, Italy - 2005
Amos Daragon - La chiave di Braha
by Brian Perro
Fanucci Editore, Italy - 2005
Amos Daragon - L'alfiere delle maschere
by Bryan Perro
Fanucci Editore, Italy - 2004
I Musicanti di Brema
by Brothers Grimm
Sfera Editore, Italy - 2006
Il lupo e i sette capretti
by Brothers Grimm
Sfera Editore, Italy - 2005
I tre porcellini
by Joseph Jacobs
Sfera Editore, Italy - 2004
Il gatto con gli stivali
by Charles Perrault
Sfera Editore, Italy - 2004